The recent Coimbatore Shopping Festival event held at Codissia during the festive season was the biggest shopping festival in all of Tamil Nadu, providing an opportunity for buyers and sellers to meet face to face where products can be demonstrated, handled, and purchased on the rite site. The motive behind CSF was to provide an unforgettable experience for the visitors and our student Smrithi S from second year fashion tech did just that.
Displaying exquisite handmade terracotta jewellery and home decor items in the name of "Shika Creations". This budding student entrepreneur was doing online marketing through Instagram and Facebook satisfying a wide range of customers through her customized designs. Her first commercial stall was put up in the ValueX Carnival of our Institution and that motivated her to participate in this event.
The stall boasted a wide range of jewellery with both bridal and every day blends. Certainly a hit among the younger generation for cheap and accessible collections that could be worn with any look. Smrithi's attractive display was sure to pull in the crowd through the entire week.
The visitors were amazed to see the collections designed and created by a student and the motivation of our Institution in her endeavors. She has also was awarded the Homepreneur Student Edition category recently. Her interest in designing and customer - friendly marketing approach of her eco-friendly products were well appreciated not only by her customers but by the media also.